An average website conversion rate is between 2% and 5% depending on your industry. This means for every 100 website visitors you generate, between two and five of those visitors will make an enquiry or a purchase. The other 95 to 98 people will leave your website, possibly to check out a competitor.
One of the reasons that websites don’t convert as much as they ought to is that the website doesn’t portray the experience and expertise of the business well enough. Moreover, they don’t build trust with the lead. You could be killing it with your website traffic, but falling short in gaining actual leads, or sales, for these simple reasons. Learn how to put them right here.
Why you need to convey experience, expertise and build trust
A consumer or client won’t just make a purchase or an enquiry without feeling comfortable and confident in your ability to meet their expectations. Experience, expertise and trust are three things that website visitors need to feel before taking further action. If your website isn’t showing off your experience and expertise or building trust with the lead, you cannot expect them to take the next step. In a nutshell, if you want your website to convert more leads, you need to focus on these three things.
But how can a website showcase your experience, highlight your expertise and build trust? We discuss the best and somewhat simple methods below. They could make a huge difference.
How to showcase experience
The best method of showing off your experience is by adding a team profile page to your website. This is a simple page that provides the visitor with information about your team members. It should include a professional-quality photo (not a smartphone image) with a brief bio about the team member.
The bio should include the person’s qualifications, accreditations, professional memberships, experiences and anything else you feel showcases experience. Some of these things can also showcase expertise. Many businesses make the mistake of forgetting to update these pages, which can make the team look like they are outdated in the modern industry.
How to highlight your expertise
Other than telling readers that you’re a team of experts, there must be a better way of proving this? And there is! Publishing regular blogs and guides on contemporary industry topics is a fantastic way to highlight your expertise.
A piece of content that clearly explains a complex topic or industry FAQ can assert your industry authority among readers. Making the content easy to understand for non-professionals is the aim here. The added benefit of publishing blogs and guides is that the content can attract more website visitors from search engines, especially if the content has been SEO optimised with keywords, tags, etc.
How to build consumer and client trust
Around 80% of consumers say they frequently or always check reviews before making a purchase. You can build trust among leads by publishing recent and honest testimonials on your website, preferably near CTAs for maximum effect. But one problem is that most consumers will rely on third-party reviews outside of your website. So, is there a better way to build trust within your site?
Yes — there certainly is. You can provide leads with social proof that you can provide a stellar service or product by including case studies within your website. You could have portfolio pages to show the work you’ve done, ideally with quotes from the client directly about how they experienced your service. You could even publish case studies on your blog to promote your work.
What can damage experience, expertise and trust?
Not doing any of the above can make consumers question your experience and expertise, which results in lost trust. But that’s not all. Simply having a poor website that doesn’t load quickly or function as it should across devices can put consumers off using you. After all, if you can’t even get your website right why should they trust your services and products?
You need to highlight experience, expertise and build trust with website visitors to maximise conversions. This can be achieved by making simple changes and additions to your website. You can promote your experience through a team profile page, establish industry authority and expertise with blogs, and build trust using portfolios and case studies.
Businesses with a blog typically receive double the amount of website traffic than businesses that don’t blog!